
She / They - WOC - Freelance Artist

❥ Terms of Service ❥

By commissioning me you have read this document in it's entirety and agree to the terms listed!
It is up to you, as the commissioner, to ensure you read and understand everything written.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please do not hesitate to contact me directly!

❥ Artists rights ❥

My rights towards working with commissioners.

  • I have the right to deny any commission request.

  • I will not start work before I have been paid in full.

  • I do not accept deadlines of any kind.

  • All finished pieces will have my watermark on them. These cannot be removed by me or the commissioner for any reason.


What to know before commissioning, including refunds.

  • I am currently ONLY accepting USD payments through PayPal invoices.

  • PayPal takes a fee of $1.70 so make sure you have enough to cover the fee as well.

  • Regarding Refunds!

  • Once the commission sketch has been finished, you may only receive a 1/3 refund from the original commission price

  • Commissions are a main form of currency and take time, so refunds will be an absolute last resort / offer. Because of this, I will offer alternate options like different commission types, if I am struggling with the current type, offer to draw a different character, or I can give discounts for future commissions or designs.

  • If a chargeback is made, you will be permanently blacklisted and blocked. The artwork I had completed for you will be repurposed.

---------------What I WILL do!

  • Draw humans / Humanoids and their reference sheet outfit free of charge unless complex.

  • Draw cartoony or semi-realistic pet portraits / animals (the only feral art commissions I take).

  • Try my hand at gore and mecha- characters but I am not well experienced with those fields!

  • I can work with customers' sketched ideas, pose references, etc!

What I WON'T do!

  • I won't draw backgrounds, at the moment I only do colors, shapes, or pngs

  • I won't draw for people / characters that contribute to any sort of pedophilia, zoophilia, any other form of abuse and things I'm against / am uncomfortable with

  • I won't draw right wing propaganda / hate towards minority groups

If you'd like a transparent background including to color in my line art, note that in your commission form or tell me directly via instagram direct messaging BEFORE I send out the final product!---------------

❥ What to know during commissions ❥

Things to keep in mind as you wait for your commission.

  • I only work on weekends. Please DO NOT pester me about WIPs! I appreciate reminders but when they are once every week, it's too much

  • I have other responsibilities outside of commissions that may prioritize my queue from time to time.

  • My turn-around time depends on the art, characters and personal things that may pop up. Do not expect a fast start to finish no matter the commission type.

  • I work on any commission I feel inspired to work on in the moment. It helps me get the commissions done rather than forcing myself to work on them in a certain order. This helps both the commissioner and I get the best results!


❥ After commission is completed ❥

Usage I WILL allow after your commission is completed.

  • WITH MY PERMISSION you may color in lines I make.

  • You may use my art as a profile picture, banner, reference of your character for other artists and personal prints including stickers. I MUST BE CREDITED!!

  • WITH MY PERMISSION you can use my pieces for comics, stories, SFW role play, etc.

-Usage I WONT allow after your commission is completed.

  • I don't tolerate editing my art after piece is finished, I will ask if any edits need to be made at least three times during the process

  • asking for huge changes in the finished piece, it will cost a fee

  • posting and distributing traced and referenced versions of my art in ANY way

  • No selling and profiting off of my art. Don't sell my art as a print, sticker, shirt design, merchandise or any other item.

Regarding 18+ commissions

I will only take NSFW comms with people over on Twitter, who have their age verified.I am still new to drawing for the NSFW community so I will build my Do's and Don'ts as time goes.
For now however, here are some things I WILL NOT DRAW on top of the other Do's and Don'ts I mentioned earlier in the form.
If any questions or request, DM me or mention it in your form and I will get back to you!

  • Drawing anything related to animal genitalia. Ex: dog genitalia / knots, horse genitalia, not even for adult toys. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • No scat play

Designs and Adopts

Things you need to know when owning a design by me!

  • After you own the character, you may do what you please with its design although I would prefer the design stays recognizable.

  • I must have credit for initial inspo.

Things you need to know when selling a design by me!

  • When selling you character, I'd only want them sold for at least the amount you bought them for.

  • Make sure that person has a toy house as well.

  • DO NOT sell my designs to anyone who contributes to any sort of pedophilia, zoophilia, right wing propaganda / hate towards minority groups, any other form of abuse, etc.

❥ Questions about these terms? ❥

If you have any questions about this form, you can send them to my email linked at the bottom!

Finished reading? Thank you for your time!

...and here's the link to my prices!

Questions? Email me!